Sunday, June 5, 2016

In the Heart of the Sea, Movie Review

I've decided that my movie/book reviews will not be apart of my once a week 'more interesting and official posts' and turn them into 'unscheduled review posts.'
That way I don't have to attach reviews on my other blog posts.  But if anyone is interested in a movie/book, or wants to see if they can find something new, then I'll be writing regular unscheduled reviews when ever I find time to do so.
...Did any of that make sense?...

So.  Here we go.
In the Heart of the Sea
This movie came out at the same time as the Force Awakens, so I'm afraid not many people have heard of it.
It.  Was.  Fantastic.
Picture a mix between Pirates of the Caribbean, National Treasure, Unbroken and superheros.  I say super hero's because it started Thor, the new Spider Man, and the Scare Crow.  Some of you may know him as Mr. Fisher from Inception.
This story was through the perspective of a man who was on the ship from Moby Dick, and his telling of the story.
The acting was (obviously) fantastic.
The story was exciting and heart tugging, almost made me cry.
On a scale from 1 to 10, I would give In the Heart of the Sea a 10.


  1. I've wanted to see that really bad but I'm like 300th in line at the library and I haven't found it at Redbox. I'm glad it's good :)

  2. Aw, that's a shame! Yeah, we found it at the red box. Hope you get a chance to rent it!

  3. I think I'm 345th in line for this movie at the library right now...
