Friday, May 14, 2021

As I See It: A Picture Poem

As I See It 

I have stared at these pictures I took over the last several months, shuffled them about, and stared at them again, hoping the right words just come.  They didn't.  So there you have it.  A picture poem.  I don't know if this makes me a creative genius, or a lazy writer succumbing to the word blockage we all feel in the presents of beautiful things.  Poor excuse I guess.  Poets write about ugliness and beauty all the time; the fact that an image is worth a thousand more words than their little rhyme doesn't seem to stop them.  Well it stopped me and I willingly surrender.  My words would have sanded down the story these amateur phone-pictures tell.  I hope they tell you a story too, and I hope it's a good one, because you wont hear it from me.  

Stay dangerous my friends.