Tuesday, June 7, 2016

The Dirty Truth

Sometimes I think I'm totally cool,
Even when I have to stand on a stool,
To reach the back of a baby mule.

Sometimes I think I'm super smart,
Maybe even be a genius in part.

But honestly, I mostly think,
People think I really stink.

In fact, I'd go as far to say,
That I came from a planet far away.

On my planet, there is no math,
No logic or science,
Some violence and wrath.

We tend to exaggerate,
On little things,
Like showing up late.

We don't remember our own state,
Our brains work at a very slow rate.

I was sent to earth,
Right after birth.

You pretend I'm one of you,
You think I don't have a clue.

But when ever I act like my alien me,
Your faces warp like a shriveled tree.

I really appreciate that your all so kind,
Even though I have an alien mind.

Thank you for accepting me,
Even when I'm a pesty flea.

Don't pretend that you don't know,
I found out your dirty secret, yo!
Figured it out like a detective pro!

Ha!  I just wrote that!  On the blog!  Right here, right now!  Ha!  I'm so proud of me.  


  1. That was awesome :D Great job! (and I don't think you're a pesky flea<3)

  2. From ME:
    I think I have a few contradictions to that poem of yours, and I've written a poem about them:
    My friend Emily IS cool AND smart,
    She's sweet and kind, and has a good heart.
    She's unique (that's true :D), but everyone is,
    Created and formed by those hands of His.
    She shouldn't have to care what others think,
    'Cause she's really awesome, and DOES NOT STINK.
    She couldn't ever be a pesky flee,
    She really cares, even about me.
    You're no alien- you're too good to be,
    And remember you've always got a friend in ME.

    1. I totally agree!! Beautifully said Jessica! :D

    2. From ME:
      Oh, actually that wasn't Jessy. That was ME... (her sister):D
      But thanks!

  3. Our Emily

    Our friend Emily is a special sort,
    She is beautiful, and funny, and NOT short.
    She has made a great impact on all of us,
    And we can all say that we love her so much.
    She doesn't believe this,
    But I can tell you it's true,
    Emily, there are few people as incredible as you.

    Your Squimp ;D

  4. Shortness is awsome. Just sayin. It gives you more character.

    1. I agree. But poor Dr Elimis gets more short jokes put to her than the rest of us shorter people. :,(

  5. You're just Em. ;) Also you are not just Em, ;) and Jesus keeps shaping our character more like His. It is very lovely to see Him in you.
