Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Oh The Saying's of the Wise

I found these wise quotes the other day.  I hope they inspire you and strengthen your sole.

Palms is a great way to learn how to defeat-ith thine enemy. 
-Dr. Elemis Pott

Do not have crushes.  They are bad for your brain, and don't help you study.
-Dr. Elemis Pott

I have a question...GET OUT OF MY WAY!
-Dr. Elemis Pott

(After seeing the pedestrian crossing sign on the side of the road)
Be careful, Presbyterian crossing.  You don't want to run over any of those.  
-Dr. Elemis Pott 

Being depressed doesn't make me happy.
-Dr. Elemis Pott 


  1. Those are very inspiring quotes. *My soul is strengthened*

  2. From ME:
    Wow, Emily...
    That's so inspiring!
    My life will never be the same again...

    1. agggghh! *ROFL*
      "My life will never be the same again..." AGREED

  3. those are very very wise words. Wherever did you find them?

  4. Ah, yes. Defeat-eth-ing thing enemy and Presbyterian crossing are definatly my favotites.

  5. These are so inspiring. I really agree with them all but I would definitely advise everyone against having crushes and running over Presbyterians

  6. The jumbling of words... my mom has had a lot of issues with that this weekXD

  7. Laura!!!! It's been forever! And yes, sometimes the wisest things come from jumbling words. ;)

  8. Laura!!!! It's been forever! And yes, sometimes the wisest things come from jumbling words. ;)
