My Padre
I've been told since I was 5 that I'm the "spitting image"of my Padre and it's still one of my highest complements.
Here's an oldie of us about 10 years ago:
Here's a more recent picture of us:
My Padre is probably the most real person I've ever met. Believe it or not, I didn't build a love for acting from theatrical people. People who put on a show aren't real actors. They're pretenders. My Dad has the gift of seeing a fake act from 100 miles away. It's one of the most valuable tools I've attempted to attain over the years.
When I think I'm a hard worker, I observe my Dad and I want to work harder. I want to do better. I have yet to meet someone on earth who works harder and sacrifices more for the sake of doing what's right. You're my number one motivator. Happy birthday! Love you Padre!

😍😍 You make me want to be like you, Doc.