Friday, September 29, 2017

Domino Duel

Elemis:  *Facing her desk.  Head phones on.  Pretending to be productive.  She swivels in her chair, and jolts.*  "Domino?  What are you doing here?"

Domino:  *Sitting on the bed facing her.  Hands in hoodie pockets*  "You forgot about me."

Elemis:  "Haha!  I did not forget about you.  I just actively choose not to think about you."

Domino:  "It kinda hurts."

Elemis:  "Well maybe you could suck it up and see it through my socks for once."

Domino:  "I'm still here."

Elemis:  "I know.  Could you quit haunting me?  You're a writer too, you should understand.  I can't write you right now.  Maybe later.  It doesn't mean I don't care about you-"

Domino:  *interrupting*   "You left us."

Elemis:  "No.  YOU left ME."

Domino:  "I'm right here."

Elemis:  "No, no, no you're not.  Your a dead kid in my dead story, buried in an extensive abyss of deleted files.  So why can't you just leave me alone?"

Domino:  "Well I guess that's the thing about dead people.  And stories.  They don't just leave you in peace."

Elemis:  *Covers face with hands.*  "Do you know how much I put into you?"

Domino:  "Then don't give up on us."

Elemis:  "I just want to have someone to blame besides myself.  Don't you get it?  I'm not writing you any more because I'm scared you're going to get lost on me again.  This isn't the first time I've lost a story."

Domino:  "Did you ever think you may have lost me for a reason?"

Elemis:  "Yes.  And I can find no reason.  Just a blurb that says, 'sorry, this file is corrupted" And I'm trying to find you but I can't.  I can't rewrite you.  Not after all we've been through."

Domino:  "Okay, forget about my story, now start thinking about your own story.  Now look at me.  There are things I never told you about myself.  I was waiting to speak to you because you didn't understand, but now I think you do.  Now I think I can tell you more about my story.  And now you'll know how to write it."

Elemis:  "Nooo, that doesn't work.  My imagination.  I'm in charge."

Domino:  "My story.  I'm in charge.  I never told you some things because I didn't think you would write it very well."

Elemis:  "Well zeesh, thanks."

Domino:  "Now I think you can.  Now I think you understand.  You had to wait."

Elemis:  "I don't have the energy."

Domino:  "Think about Savy.  Think about Qym.  Think about me.  Now keep writing our story.  Don't give up on us."



  1. You are an amazing artist, emily!

    Mrs. Mann

  2. Wow, this was beautiful, Emily! Considering how many writers' groups I've missed, I was pretty lost and I can't remember who 'Elemis' is or anything about writing...however, this really captured the moment of each being just as desperate as the other. But in different ways.

    Amelia xxx

    1. Ohhhh! Are YOU Elemis? Because your about is under the name of Dr. Elemis Pott. Are you stuck with writing the story and this is what you came up with because you wanted to write it so much? I could be hilariously wrong, but I hope I don't sound dumb.

  3. Thank you so much!
    Haha, yes! I'm Elemis! I should have given an into before this post! XD Basically; my book Domino deleted so this is a piece of conversation that I've had with my main character about continuing to write it.
    So yeah! Your basically right!!
