Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Character of the Month: Uncle Billy

Several posts ago I made a 'Character Challenge' in which I asked several questions that made one observe how they relate to story characters.  The after effect was painful because I couldn't and still can't stop finding more characters I find beautiful and itch to write about.  And I didn't want to feel like a creativity looser and re-post the same challenge over again.
My brain is a brat.  I find I constantly need to entertain it.  So here's another game for you, Ms. Brain, that I hope will keep you content and occupied:

Character of the Month:
Uncle Billy(It's a Wonderful Life)

Yes, I grew up watching It's a Wonderful Life every Christmas just like any other child.  Every time I re-watch this I find something new about it that I never payed attention to.  This year it was Uncle Billy.  This is the first time I'd realized how much of an Uncle Billy I am.
Uncle Billy.  A pathetic, joyful little man with a terrible memory.  He loves people, though when the time comes to be sarcastic in defense of those he cares about, he doesn't hesitate.  He's joyful.  He's an old man with the rambunctious perkiness of an eight year old boy.  He tries very hard.  He wants to do everything right, please everyone.  But his brain works slowly and he can't seem to keep himself from getting distracted.  He ties string around his fingers to help him remember things (which I may or may not have been inspired to do myself).
His confidence in himself is low.  Making mistakes is one of his greatest fears and enemies.  I've found myself in his position in the end, many times as of late, perhaps not in as dire of situations, but there non the less.  And I always wonder how he deals with it.  He's just made one of his all time biggest mistakes.  He's just been yelled at by his closest friend.  And in the end he comes in all animated and full of joy again, giving up a huge amount of money to help his friend.   That's probably the one thing I can't relate with.  If I were him, I would have stayed in my heap of misery, feeling like a failure.  Instead, Uncle Billy chooses to become one of the hero's of this story.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, I LOVE that movie!!! My family always watches it on Christmas morning. And this was super insightful about him, it was really cool!
