Sunday, September 18, 2016

Odd Questions And Odd Answers

I like questions.  So because you've decided to take the time to suffer my blog,  here are a list of odd questions for you to answer, with explanations on how to answer them.  The goal of this game is to come up with honest, but odd answers.  If your answer is typical and everyone else would say the same thing, change it up a little.  Be creative.
Example: "What's your favorite dessert?"  you might answer: "Ice cream" but because it's such a typical answer, make it more interesting and maybe say, "Overly caffeinated coffee ice cream when it's almost completely melted and I can drink it like a frappuccino."  Be truthful of course.  Don't make up something not true even if it's creative.
I had a drama teacher who encouraged us to take simple little things, and use our creativity to turn them into something amazing even if it's scientifically stupid.  So that's what I'm getting at with this game.

Question 1.  What book/movie character represents you when you are acting evil?
Ever saw a movie where a character acts like a jerk, yet you know you would have done the same thing?

Question 2.  You have two months to live.  What do you do in those two months?

Question 3.  What is that thing you always have with you, that no one else thinks is a necessity but you feel lost without? 

Question 4.  You are lost alone in the wilderness, and you know that this forest is infested with cannibals.  Who would you be most happy to have come and save you?

Question 5.  What smell or sound makes you happy?
Then think about why it makes you happy.
For example, I like the musty smell of cardboard boxes in a cold place.  It reminds me of being 5, playing in our scary Germany basement with my siblings right after we moved.  

Question 6.  You have to choose between dancing alone on stage in front of hundreds of people, or start a conversation with your crush.  Which do you choose?
And why?

Question 7.  You suddenly find yourself tragically without a family and without a home.  If you could decide, who would you choose to adopt you as your new family?  Or would you want to live alone?

Question 8.  What smell or sound makes you sad?

Question 9.  What movie/book character represents you when you are being virtuous and heroic? 

Question 10.  Is there something dorky that you think is cool and wish was socially acceptable?

Question 11.  What's better, a Chick-fill-a sandwich, or a fancy green nutritious lunch?
Hint:  The answer is always Chick-fill-a.

Question 12. If you could make up how the rest of your year would go, how would it go?

Question 13.  If you could choose your death, how would you die?
I'm sorry, but I must share an answer I received when my friend asked this to another friend.  He hummed and put his hand to his chin and then looked up and said, "I'd like to have Alzheimers and go sky diving."
It was a slightly disturbing response, but incredible how he came up with something so cleaver so fast.
Please forgive me.

Question 14.  How are you?
This might be the hardest question to answer honestly.  "Good" is not an answer.  That's not even grammatically correct!  (I only know this because I have a smart family).  Once, after a relaxation exercise, my drama teacher answered this question by saying, (in her New Zealand accent) "Well, everyone is going to say relaxed, so I'm going to say that I feel like the hum of a guitar string right after it's been plucked." And she beamed with pride.  I have to say I was blown away with this response.  (I'm not saying your answer has to be that poetic).

Question 15.  You were selected to fight in the Hunger Games.  What do you do?  Do you try to win?
Sorry.  This is a depressing question.  If you don't know the Hunger Games, don't even answer.

Question 16.  Why are you still reading this?
You have better things to do.  Go do some push-ups and come back.

Question 17.  As a school project, you are given a peace of paper, a pen, a dark room, and fifteen minutes to write anything you want.  What do you write?

1 comment:

  1. Exceptional Mochas Inlaying Lake Yamanaka, Were you possibly going to answer them too, I hope?
    "Good" is Americanly correct and understood, me thinks, but which unfortunately still doesn't necessarily mean it's good or correct...and it does seem able to be very generally used, maybe for instance meaning anywhere from "very blessed and happy" to "at least I'm still alive" to "fine enough that I don't need to say more." :)

    Good day!
