1. What book/movie character represents you when you are acting evil?
When I am being Evil, I act like Lucy from Peanuts. Not really the movie, but more the sunday strip comics. I always act like when lucy is holding the football for charlie brown, and right when he kicks- she yanks it out from under him.
2. You have two months to live. What do you do in those two months?
If I had 2 months left to live, I go to a comic con, and start setting up life like scenarios from different British tv shows. For example if it where doctor who, I would steal a microphone and start tapping it 4 times over and over. Then I would play with the light switch, and yell out “don't blink!…Seriously stop blinking!!” For the sherlock fans I would sneak up behind them and say, “did you miss me?”.
3. What is that thing you always have with you, that no one else thinks is a necessity but you feel lost without?
My brain. I just hate it when I leave my brain at home. I literally cannot function!! Its so hard when all I can think about are like, what time is lunch? or contemplate how weird my face looks from the side.
4. You are lost alone in the wilderness, and you know that this forest is infested with cannibals. Who would you be most happy to have come and save you?
If I was stuck in the woods with cannibals I would want Miss piggy to save me. She can scare anyone away. And the canabals wouldn't eat her, they would just get really annoyed and leave.
5. What smell or sound makes you happy?
The smell that makes me happy is the smell of this little pillow that I have had since i was a baby. I don't know why but when I sleep with it I have the most awesome dreams….
6. You have to choose between dancing alone on stage in front of hundreds of people, or start a conversation with your crush. Which do you choose?
Dancing. I think that dancing on a stage alone wouldn't be that scary. When I perform I’ll be nervous for a little while, but then ill just get lost in whatever I am doing. And honestly when I perform, the more people there are, the less nervous I am. So bring it!
7. You suddenly find yourself tragically without a family and without a home. If you could decide, who would you choose to adopt you as your new family? Or would you want to live alone?
I always thought that I would come live with Dr Elemis Pott. Because I mean her room Is big enough and you know, she already has a ton of siblings. Plus then we could make cheesy movies 24/7!!!
8. What smell or sound makes you sad?
The sound of crying makes me sad. Whenever I hear or see someone crying my brain is automatically like, “She’s crying….should we be crying?….I think we should be crying…. Open up the flood gates boys!!!!”
9. What movie/book character represents you when you are being virtuous and heroic?
When I am being super heroic I think that I am most like the prince from enchanted. Because really when I think I am being super heroic, I am really just being super dumb and oblivious.
10. Is there something dorky that you think is cool and wish was socially acceptable?
YES. I wish that I could go everywhere dressed like a Wesley. Seriously how cool would that be?!?!?
11. What’s better, a Chick-fill-a sandwich, or a fancy green nutritious lunch?
Chick-fill-a. Always.
12. If you could make up how the rest of your year would go, how would it go?
I would move to a big 20 acre ranch, get horses, and get one of these little attic style bedrooms with a door disguised as a bookshelf.
13. If you could choose your death, how would you die?
I would like to die saving someones life. It just seems like the best way to go.
14. How are you?
Physically i am fine. But mentally and emotionally I am almost always a mess. I guess I would say that I generally feel like a tornado. Just a harmless cloud one minute then I could level a city the next.
15. You were selected to fight in the Hunger Games. What do you do? Do you try to win?
Well my weapon would be a bow and arrow (since apparently they cant have AR15’s) but I would try my best to hide out the entire time.
16. Why are you still reading this?
Why am I still reading this……Why am I still reading this? I don't know. I guess I need to have a talk with my brain.
I would probably draw. Then invent a cartoon character….or three. Then write a lame short story about aliens that are attracted to potatoes. There will probably be a weird grandpa in there somewhere.