A lot of my antagonists are all linked by the main villain: Fear. Antagonists aren't the villain. Antagonists can simply be things that get in the way of the hero's goal.
Let's use characters we may already know to better understand our relationship with the enemies. (We're talking to our self now. Let's call it 5th person perspective, for lack of the actual term). And we're going to use lot's of examples from movies. And Pixar. Because Pixar is wise and it helps us understand our life better.
Our villains are as follows:
The Fear of Leaving Comfort Zone
Auto from Wall-E |
Christof from the Truman Show |
The Fear of Losing
The Fear of the Dark
Vashta Nerada from Doctor Who: Silence in the Library |
The Fear of Losing People/Being Alone
Lots-O from Toy Story 3 |
Mal from Inception |
These are only a few of them.
My fears are still fears and my villains are still villains. I don't have the answer on how to get rid of them. Dora says that all you have to do is say, "Swiper no swiping!" three times, and they'll go away. But I don't have an answer like that.
This blog post has taken me days to write because I have tried to write a conclusion. I hate not concluding things. Unfortunately, I can't find any one answer on how to destroy my villains. Because they've been apart of me for almost 18 years now and may be with me until I kick the bucket. I don't have the power and authority to wipe them from existence, but I've been given the power to fight them through God. I've been given the choice to keep punching Satan, or to not. I don't know much about defense against the enemy, but know some, and what I do know would take too long to write out in one post. So I will attempt to write a post dedicated to each fear, and my methods on kicking them. If your antagonists are similar to mine, please continue to read, and let me know what your own thoughts are on kicking Satan.
Wimpy bad guys make wimpy stories. If you think your life isn't interesting, perhaps you need to become better acquainted with your villains. Beware when you don't think you have anything to fight, I believe that's one of Satan's favorite ways to destroy people, by trying to convince us of his non-existence.
"It is funny how mortals always picture us as putting things into their minds: in reality, our best work is done by keeping things out"
-C.S Lewis, the Screwtape Letters